在这初春之际,让正处于人生春天的我们,立刻挣脱温暖被窝的怀抱,在晨曦的照耀下,高效利用起早晨时间积累英语知识,养成良好的阅读和学习习惯,提高精气神,“奋楫笃行 ,奋楫扬帆”,培养积极人生态度,成为更好的自己。
本期领读人:酒店管理2201班 周婧
新录音 36音频:00:0001:32
How to Choose when You Have Too Many Options
People are now increasingly aware of the challenges in making a decision when faced with too many choices. You may find it counterintuitive, but having too many options is not necessarily a good thing. Actually, we often find ourselves paralyzed by this situation.
Consider shopping. Retailers have found having too many choices makes customers less likely to purchase. Complexity leads to indecision, that applies to everything. One main feature of the modern time is the increase of complexity. Not only do we enjoy a great abundance of materials, but also many kinds of lifestyles. Decisions, both life changing and not, from what for dinner, what to wear, to what career to choose, whom to marry, when to retire, will only get harder.If you let every decision, big or small, take your time and energy, it will burn you out.
The key to solving the problem is to find out why we are stuck. In my opinion, we dislike uncertainly, because it brings fear. The world, however, is always changing. We need to learn how to move with less certainty. As the saying goes, we must continually learn and adapt to changes. That way, we will find it less challenging to choose and focus on how to deal with the true challenges along the way